Welcome at QUL. The quality association for environmentally-agreeable latex mattresses e.v.
Perfect sleep on and with natural materials - that's our business.
We are an association of producers, pre-producers and distributors of natural latex mattresses. Since 1994, we have laid down criteria for the standards of natural mattresses and are today one of the most important bodies for testing the pollutant content of natural latex mattresses and sandwich mattresses. We are convinced that a mattress made of natural latex is the best thing for a healthy sleep, but only if it's really 'clean'. That's why our criteria are among the strictest you will currently find on the market.
Order our free booklet
... with all informations around our core competence 'natural latex mattresses' ... please consider: the booklet is yet available only in german language. if you want to read it anyway, just send your postal adress by mail.